Wednesday, April 28, 2010

wrestling with a sinner's heart

What do you do when you don't know how to change? So, you've heard that God has this awesome plan, and you reallly, reaaaaaaaaally want to get in on it. You try and you try, but sometime's its really easy to lie about something. Or, you have a bad temper and you tend to wish bad things on people and slip with a swear word or two.. or more. Or, you're one of those. You want to believe, but you can't believe that someone as "loving and just" as God would put you through a situation like this. We've all been there. Maybe it's not the exact same situation, but every strong Christian can relate. These are times where once God pulls you though it, you're faith becomes so strong you feel like you can put God on your speed dial. First off, when you mess up, you should know that He has arms wide open and He's going to give us unconditional love. 1 John 3:1 says, "How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him." So, since He loves us, He cares for us. He cares about us so much that He is going to use everything in your life to mold you into the person He wants you to be. I promise! Look! 1 Corinthians 10:13, "No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." It's going to be hard, and yeah, you're going to slip up. That's what forgiveness is all about! Actually, forgiveness is the hardest thing for me to put my head around. I don't know why He would do so much for the people that crucified His Son. I don't understand why He would want to have a personal relationship with someone that isn't worthy of His presence. But this I know for sure, God loves like no other.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry it took me so long to reply to this, I really did read it when you told me too, I just have be quite busy... but seriously, aside from the crazy sumo men, this post was very encouraging.

    It is crazy to think of all the things that God brings us through, but even crazier to think of his great love for us! Thanks for posting this, it was needed. I hope you have a great day at your banquet/formal thingy... peace.
