Sunday, April 4, 2010

enjoy people.

Time has always gotten me into trouble. Taking to much of it, losing track of it, it's just a hassle. I've been realizing that I don't exactly have much time here. Not that I'm dying or anything, but just until college. I'm trying to show the people that I care about more in this life just how much I love them. Now, this does not mean that I'm going to go through all of my friends and dedicate a post to them. Rather, this is for all of you. As well as every other part of me.
Last night, I was with one of my best friends. She made me do something that I had never done before. She made me paint! I'll try to post up a picture of what I did. Her painting was incredible. Who knew hat taking the time to just hang out with your best friend and paint could be so cool. I like just hanging out, taking time, and enjoying people. We didn't even realize that three hours had gone by. Crazy, right? She explained it to me. She said, "When you're painting you're using the right side of your brain. Time is on your left hemisphere." Nifty.
God's timeless right? Pssht, that guy's got it easy. ;)

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