So it's been about thirty five hundred hours since my last post. I really considered not posting on this because I'm afraid that I am a totally different person than who I was 144 days ago. Now, some may be up for debate about whether this is a good change or bad - possibly, more likely than not, a bit of both. Nonetheless, these changes have brought me to be the person that I am right now, the girl who is sitting in her bed, wide awake at 1:24 in the morning. These changes have been brought on by mistakes and growths. Yes, my blog is mostly about God and what he can do for you, but trust me, He's not the one making the mistakes here.
Truth is, God makes no mistakes. Deuteronomy 23:4 says, "The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He." He simply cannot, even though when we don't like something that has happened we'd love to think that it's just God's little "uh-oh" moment. Soooo, so far off. Actually it's the things like this that God uses to show us what we're doing wrong.. or what we're not noticing.... or maybe He even wants to see just how much faith we have in Him.
Ever heard of my friend Job? Yeah, I know, I never met him, so I can't reallllly be friends with him. If it counts for anything, I wish I could have. He was put in the WORST situations. These are way more intense than anything that we've thought it just one of God's mess ups. Instead, Job had almost everything taken away from him in the worst possible way. The crazy thing is Job never gave up on God. Job 5:8-11 says, "But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. He provides rain for the earth; he sends water on the countryside. The lowly he sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety." See, Job understood that he had a perfect creator who did everything for a reason and was always going to take care of him... he just needed to only rely on God and not care about anything else. I know that I couldn't have done what. I have a hard enough time dealing with what God gives me now like a small fight between friends or a bad grade. Even though we don't always know why God is doing something, we can know that He is doing it for a purpose that will only benefit us in the end.
Personally, it's something that you have to experience and realize. I'll be honest with you, my very few readers, college has challenged my faith a lot - and a lot of times I have messed up MAJORLY and sinned against the one person that will forever love me unconditionally. I've scorned Him because of the circumstanced I have faced and even threatened to completely walk away from Him. Looking back, though, I must admit, it has all brought me to this new level of love and understanding of my creator. I wish there was an easier way to get closer to God and to experience Him at an equally real level, but this is how God works. We'll never understand it, but, man, is He awesome.